keskiviikko 25. maaliskuuta 2009

Swedish television SVT about Russian protestors in Helsinki

Swedish television interviewed Johan Bäckman, who said, that Estonian and Latvian embassies in Helsinki are organising xenophobic and racist events against Russians. Dmitri Linter from Estonian freedom movement Night Watch said that Soviet Union did not occupy Estonia during the second world war. The pickets are against Estonian and Latvian apartheid. "In Estonia officials do not care at all what Russians think", Dmitri Linter said for Swedish television. 

Watch how Dr. Johan Bäckman from the University of Helsinki says in the Swedish television that Estonian embassy in Finland is spreading anti-Russian racism: 

Watch how Dmitri Linter from the Estonian freedom movement "Night Watch" speaks in Swedish television about Estonian apartheid: 

Watch how Dmitri Linter says demonstrations against Estonian apartheid should also be organised in Stockholm, Bryxelles and London: 

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