sunnuntai 29. maaliskuuta 2009

Trombit: well-organised demonstrations

"Trombit" website news published photos and depictions of the demonstations in Helsinki:

Kainuun Sanomat: Journalists disappointed

The Finnish newspaper "Kainuun Sanomat" published materials delivered by the Finnish news agency STT after the demonstrations. The Finnish journalists were a bit disappointed to the small number of the demonstrators:

Iltalehti: Wide sensations

"This is war" titled the popular tabloid "Iltalehti" the next day after the demonstrations. Iltalehti dedicated two first pages for the demonstrations. The two persons with Russian flag presented in the photograph are however not representants of the organisers of the pickets but local Russians. 

The Internet-version of Iltalehti said Estonians are falsifying history by opening a new front of information war in Helsinki:

Iltalehti also wrote about contra-demonstration by a pro-fascist activist, who also was a candidate for the European parliament elections from the Finnish pro-Nato coalition party:

The demonstrations were widely publicised early morning on Monday through the Finnish news agency STT:

Nykypäivä: Demonstrations aimed to Russia

The main newspaper of the Finnish Coalition Party "Kokoomus" published several articles of the demonstrations, including commentary by "Russian political refugee" residing in Finland Oksana Chelysheva. The photography from the demonstration clearly shows the huge media interest few protestors could gain. 

keskiviikko 25. maaliskuuta 2009

Suomen Kuvalehti condemned film of Edvins Snore

The printed version of right-wing magazine "Suomen Kuvalehti" dedicated four pages to the demonstrations. The editorial condemned the action. Two-page photograph labelled the demonstration as Russian chauvinist action. Commentary by the famous anti-Russian historian in Finland Seppo Zetterberg said that Estonia was "occupied" country and that the "Soviet occupation" was worse than Nazi occupation. 

In its Internet-version, Suomen Kuvalehti published photographs of Maksim Reva, Dmitri Linter and Mark Siryk during the press-conference of the Finnish anti-fascist committee:

Picture from the demonstration very well depicts the atmosphere during and after the demonstration: few activists were in the focus of interest for all Finnish media:

Picture very well depicts the reaction of Nashi to an anti-Russian book:

Suomen Kuvalehti writes about Nashi-demonstrations in Helsinki against the film "The Soviet Story". The journalist got interested in the film because of the demonstrations. He writes the film is extremely tasteless propaganda and very good example of bad human emotions:

Suomen Kuvalehti also wrote about the demonstrations and various opinions and reactions:

Estonian TV about Nochnoi Dozor in Helsinki

Estonian television reported widely about the protests of Nashi and Nochnoi Dozor in Helsinki against Estonian state fascism (in Russian):

See Estonian television 1st channel report in Estonian:

Finnish TV4 main news about Nashi and Nochnoi Dozor in Helsinki

Finnish TV4 commented demonstrations by Nashi and Nochnoi Dozor against Estonian fascism in Helsinki 23.3.2009:

See how Dr. Johan Bäckman from the University of Helsinki is commenting the Estonian apartheid for the Finnish TV4 before the demonstrations in Helsinki: 

FInnish TV1 main news about Nochnoi Dozor and Nashi in Helsinki

Finnish, Estonian and Russian antifascists protested against Russophobic propaganda of Estonian and Latvian embassies. The demonstrations were carried out in the city centre of Helsinki. Watch how Finnish TV1 main news broadcast commented the issue: 

Swedish television SVT about Russian protestors in Helsinki

Swedish television interviewed Johan Bäckman, who said, that Estonian and Latvian embassies in Helsinki are organising xenophobic and racist events against Russians. Dmitri Linter from Estonian freedom movement Night Watch said that Soviet Union did not occupy Estonia during the second world war. The pickets are against Estonian and Latvian apartheid. "In Estonia officials do not care at all what Russians think", Dmitri Linter said for Swedish television. 

Watch how Dr. Johan Bäckman from the University of Helsinki says in the Swedish television that Estonian embassy in Finland is spreading anti-Russian racism: 

Watch how Dmitri Linter from the Estonian freedom movement "Night Watch" speaks in Swedish television about Estonian apartheid: 

Watch how Dmitri Linter says demonstrations against Estonian apartheid should also be organised in Stockholm, Bryxelles and London: 

Newspaper Kansan Uutiset: "Fight about Estonia's history moved into Helsinki"

Finnish leftist newspaper Kansan Uutiset says Finnish, Estonian and Russian antifascists gained lot of media attention in Helsinki with pickets against Estonian and Latvian apartheid policy. There were much more journalists than demonsrtators present. Protestors said there was no Soviet occupation of Estonia, and the purpose of the occupation myth is to legitimize the anti-Russian apartheid-policy of the country. Dmitri Linter says Estonia is not democratic country. Maksim Reva says about cultural genocide of Russian people in Estonia. Johan Bäckman and Leena Hietanen said pro-nazi writing and marching are common in Estonia and Latvia. Mark Siryk said Estonia and Latvia try to bring Finland into cold war, which is information war against Russia. 

tiistai 24. maaliskuuta 2009

Voima-tabloid: "Perfect spectacle from Russia"

"Small spectacle from Russia", wrote the Finnish leftist tabloid "Voima". The spectacle by Russian demonstrators was "perfect", writes Ville Ropponen, the well-known Russia-correspondent of Finland. Also the Islamic party of Finland protested against Estonian apartheid and falsification of history. The Russian youth said Soviet Union did not occupy Estonia. 

Many could only dream of the attention Nashi and Nochnoi Dozor received in Finland: the press wrote about the pickets already a week before. Oksana Chelysheva writes Nashi made a great mistake when joinig Nochnoi Dozor for Finland. Chelysheva, who is "political refugee" from Russia staying in Finland, writes very critically about Johan Bäckman and Maksim Reva.